先月、兄の結婚式があった。身近な人を呼んでのこじんまりとした温かい式で本当に感動した。いつも、人のことばかりを優先してきた兄が、とっても温かな心の優しい女性と幸せになってくれた。本当に嬉しくて感動して、涙ボロボロでした。。。 天気にも恵まれ寒くもなくいい陽気でよかったなあ。
We had my older brother's wedding party last month. I was impressed very much because it was so hart warming party with their close friends. He who always gives priority to people became so happy with woman who is gentle at heart. I was impressed very much and so happy, and then tears rolled down... I felt good that it was so fine day and not cold on that day.
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